ExperientialDesigner. CreativeMaverick. W O R K . H A R D P L A Y . H A R D Based in Los Angeles. CA. Specializing in brand marketing across tech, fashion and entertainment industries. Music is the pulse that connects us all. Celebrating it through experiential design is just the tip of the iceberg. \\ M U S I C . I N D U S T R Y . W O R K The real runwaysof NYC are its streets. Someone has to adorn them with window displays. \\ F A S H I O N . I N D U S T R Y . W O R K When it comes to storytelling, the devil is in the details. \\ T V + F I L M . W O R K Where I come from, where I’m going, and a sprinkle of playful nonsense along the way. \\ P L A Y G R O U N D Ideate. Sketch. Model. Render. Plan. Callout.Build. Install. Rinse. Repeat. \\ P R O C E S S